Written and Directed by Bridget Dieden
“The Epic Highs and Lows of High School Show Choir is a small, satirical window into the intensely competitive and overly dramatic world of show choir that Ian finds himself woefully unprepared for when confronted with 3 choral veterans at auditions.”
Meet the team |
Playwright/Director | BRIDGET DIEDEN* Bridget Dieden is a second-year theatre and creative writing double major. She wrote the play The Epic Highs and Lows of High School Show Choir, and this will be the first of her work put on at the University of Iowa. While she has a history with acting, she is hoping to put a lot of theatrical energy into playwriting moving forward, so watch out for more of my work and prepare to be dazzled. |
Ian | KENZIE FICK* Kenzie Fick is a first-year undergraduate student majoring in political science on the pre-law track with minors in Spanish and theater arts. She is from Story City, Iowa and was involved in many high school productions. Some favorites include Newsies, Into the Woods, and Alice in Wonderland. She is ecstatic to be a part of the unique works of other undergraduate students here at Iowa |
Terrence | EPHRAM SINNWELL* Ephram Sinnwell has been cast in several productions over the course of his high school career including notable roles such as Sherlock Holmes and The King of Hearts. He is venturing into the theatrical world of college for new opportunities and experiences and is happy to be a part of two productions for the Ten Minute Play Festival.
Jeremy | CODY HOLCOMB* Cody Holcomb is a first-year undergraduate student studying theatre and secondary English education. He has been involved in theatre since elementary school and is very excited to continue his journey here. Productions he has been a part of at the University of Iowa include Ghost Town. He cannot wait for everyone to see these amazing plays!
*Undergraduate student. UI Theatre is dedicated to providing hands-on theatre experience for both undergraduate and graduate students.