Day fades into night fades into day By Bridget dieden cast |
![]() Laurel Sinclair | ALYSSA SANTOLERI* Alyssa Santoleri is a second-year Creative Writing and Publishing major, with minors in Theatre and Media Management. Her past UIowa productions include Brother, Brother, The Worst Supervillain in The World, All Machines of Loving Grace, and And the Past Remains. She's so excited to be a part of this cast and this process and could not be more grateful for the opportunity to work with the incredible creative team that has put this show together! |
![]() Pilot Sinclair | FLYNN MILLIGAN* Flynn Milligan is a sophomore at the University of Iowa studying cinema and screenwriting arts. Milligan’s portrayal of Pilot Sinclair in Day Fades into Night Fades into Day will be his theatre debut. Milligan would like to thank his parents, Mike and Megan, for their constant support and belief in him, and his brothers, Roan and Liam, for being his best friends and his first-ever scene partners in their skits and short films as children. |
![]() Jillian Sinclair | RHYA COWDEN* Rhya Cowden is a first-year Theatre Arts and Mass Communications Double Major and Cinema Minor. Rhya’s previous credits with the University include crew in UH-OH and assistant stage manager for When You Read This. She is thankful for this opportunity, her family and friends for supporting her, and the amazing cast and crew. Rhya hopes you enjoy the show! |
![]() Ruth Knox | MARGARET WILLIAMSON* Margaret Williamson is a first-year double majoring in Creative Writing and Theatre Arts and is THRILLED to be in her first show here at Iowa! She's so thankful for all the support from her family and friends and would like to give an extra big thank you to the wonderful creative team and cast for making Day Fades into Night Fades into Day such an incredible experience. Enjoy the show!! |
![]() Lydia Knox | ADDI MCBRIDE* Addison McBride is a first-year double major in Theatre Arts and Computer Science at the University of Iowa. After acting in GOWANUS/DEGENERATES last fall, Day Fades into Night Fades into Day will be her second performance here in Iowa. Addi is incredibly excited to work with the people involved in DFINFID and is looking forward to many more projects with her fellow cast and crew. |
![]() Arcana Jones | SVEN BODE Sven Bode is an international grad student from Germany and only here for one year. He is most thankful for his theater-friends back home that encouraged him to audition and are cheering him on from the other side of the pond. This is Sven's second production at the University of Iowa, his debut was in (T-)RE(X)FORMATION last semester. |
![]() Dr. Barclay | LUCAS NELSON* Lucas Nelson is a sophomore English and Creative Writing, Education, and Theater major. Last year, he acted in The Space Between Coke Bottles and Orange Peels, and assistant staged managed the 10 Minute Play Festival and Spells For Going Forth by Daylight. He is thankful for both of his parents for supporting him!! |
*Undergraduate student. UI Theatre is dedicated to providing hands-on theatre experience for both undergraduate and graduate students.