Generation Candyland: A Fable. By Emma Silverman. Grey photo of Theatre Building.
Cast of Generation Candyland: A Fable
Brandon Trevino headshot


Brandon Trevino is a senior at the University of Iowa and is going to school for neuropsychology and acting. Brandon's looking forward to this production, appreciates your attendance, and hopes you leave happy.

Josie Fischels headshot


Josie Fischels is a third-year student at the University of Iowa studying journalism and theatre arts. This is her second gallery production. Josie has previously starred in memorable roles including "Townsperson #5" in her 5th grade play, and "A Frog" the year before. She has enjoyed every second laughing and discovering alongside her fantastic castmates in Generation Candyland and hopes you enjoy the show!

Neil Smithson headshot


Neil Smithson is a first-year Iowa student studying theatre arts. Generation Candyland will be his first show at the university, and he is very excited to be back onstage working with a group of insanely talented individuals. Neil is ready to give this show the justice it deserves and hopes that the wonderful visions of playwright Emma Silverman and director Natalie Villamonte Zito can be brought to life.

Peter Noll headshot

Will's Shadow | PETER NOLL

Peter Noll is a third-year theatre arts student at the University of Iowa. His most recent theater experiences include the roles of Newby in Hit the Wall at the University of Iowa, newsie ensemble in the Des Moines Playhouse production of Disney's Newsies, Chris in The Hopper, and Gene in A Cat Found God.

Cheyenne Hartfield headshot

Jackalope Puppets & Wendigo | CHEYENNE HARTFIELD

Cheyenne Hartfield is an English and creative writing major with a minor in theatre arts. This is her first role at University of Iowa. Her written work, the Roommates was performed for the Ten-Minute Play Festival last February. Cheyenne intends to continue working in theater and film as both a writer and actress once she graduates in the spring.