Skeleton Closet by Ennis Matthew Neal, directed by Meg Mechelke. Grey photo of Theatre Building.
Creative Team of Skeleton Closet


Matthew Neal is a third-year theatre arts major, with a philosophy minor, from Des Moines, IA. In Des Moines, he worked on many productions with Des Moines Young Artists’ Theatre and particularly enjoyed his experiences working as a dramaturg. He is also a resident assistant. Matthew would like to thank Dakota Parobek for advising this piece, Meg Mechelke for being as great a director as she is a friend, and Elton John for simply existing.

Meg Mechelke headshot


Meg Mechelke is a second-year theatre arts and creative writing student. She has previously worked as a director on the 2021 Ten-Minute Play Festival and on various productions around her hometown of Sartell, MN. She has also worked as a dramaturg on University of Iowa productions including Losing Faith, Essential Workers: A Portrait, and Iowa New Play Festival 2020. She would like to thank Matthew for trusting her to bring his work to life.

Piper Wiley headshot

Stage Manager | PIPER WILEY

Piper Wiley is originally from Mount Pleasant, IA. She is an English literature and theatre arts major, hoping to go into publishing in the future. This is her first role in a college play, though she’s done many different shows in the past. She’d like to thank Meg for getting her involved in this show, as it truly has been so much fun, and she’d like to thank Matthew for writing this incredible piece in the first place.