By Daniel Carlton
Director of Breath Behind the Mask

What is your new now? Not your new normal, but your new now?

This play is about masking. Pandemic masking... Panic masking... Masking under masking... Race masking, class masking. How many masks do we wear? Paul Laurence Dunbar's poem We Wear The Mask... a prompt... a guide... a tool... a map

This play is about finding yourself in others... Othering as an outdated strategy..or a coping mechanism... What does Audre Lorde teach us through her work posed in the poem We Were Never Meant To Survive and Dr. Maya Angelou's poem Alone

This play is about invisibility... the feeling of being invisible... not seen... not heard... not... included... even in broad daylight... Ralph Ellison's Invisible Man... another map

This play is about double and possibly triple consciousness... posed by Dr. Dubois... and a call for action

This play is about... protest... and images... and loneliness... and journey... and... time... and time...

This play is about

This play is both a work in progress... and the progression of collaboration... shared breath from different spaces... breaking through the limitations of boxes... writing... acting... devising... designing... divining....... breathing
A Burst of Light!