Death surrogates
BY cianon jones
Creative team
Cianon Jones Headshot

Playwright | CIANON JONES

Cianon is a second year MFA Playwriting candidate at the University of Iowa who hopes you all enjoy the show. 


Josh Turner headshot

Director | JOSH TURNER

Josh Turner (Director), an Atlanta native, earned his BFA in Acting from the Gainesville Theatre Alliance. As a director, his credits include new works  West Illinois Glass House (University of Iowa), Spells For Going Forth by Daylight (UIowa New Play Festival), and Dutchman (Iowa Director’s Festival). Josh is currently pursuing his MFA in Directing at the University of Iowa. He would like to thank his wife, Zafyre, for her love and support!


Addy Taylor Headshot

Stage Manager | ADDY TAYLOR

Addy is a December 2024 graduate of the University of Iowa, with a degree in Theatre Arts and a Minor in Music. Recent University of Iowa credits include scenic/props designer for When You read This and assistant stage manager for American Rusałki during the 2024 New Play Festival. She wants to thank everyone on this wonderful team and the department for allowing her to come back for another show. 

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Lighting Designer | GABBY JOHNSON*

*Undergraduate student. UI Theatre is dedicated to providing hands-on theatre experience for both undergraduate and graduate students.