This episode features our essential worker Dr. Paul Melstrom. Paul is a doctor with the CDC in the state of Georgia.

Play: Invitations with Wonder Woman
by Emma Silverman

Essential Workers Episode #2

Samuel Ludens headshot


Samuel Ludens is thrilled to be making his University of Iowa theatre debut in Essential Workers: A Portrait. Samuel is a double major in theatre arts and English and creative writing, with plans to pursue all different aspects of theatre and entertainment. Samuel wants to thank everyone involved in making this experience so unique, and above all, safe for everyone involved!

Salman Yakub headshot

Portrait Artist | SALMAN YAKUB

If Salman Yakub had all the time in the world and none of his earthly limits, he would just about have a hand in every creative endeavor that piques his interest. Sound design, music production, animation, 3D modeling, illustration, fiction, nonfiction, and more are all things he dabbles in, some more than others, but they are also all things he wishes he could master. However, being a University of Iowa student studying studio art and pursing a writing certificate will have to do for now.

Emma Silverman headshot


Emma Silverman is a playwright from New York City. She is a graduate of Pomona College where she was a founding member of The Green Room, a student theatre company, and the Underground Theatrical Institute, an improvisational and stand-up comedy group. She is currently an MFA in playwriting candidate at the University of Iowa.

Miriam Ochs headshot


Miriam Ochs is an actress, dancer, and comedian who adores engaging audiences in thought provoking, hilarious, and moving performances. A junior at the University of Iowa studying history and theatre arts, Miriam has been seen on the stages of the Iowa Department of Theatre Arts in such shows as Love and Information by Caryl Churchill ( 2019), Bonnets: How Ladies of Good Breeding are Induced to Murder by Jen Silverman (2019), and Palanquin by SP O’Brien (2020).

Meet the Essential Workers Creative Team