creative team
Valerie Muensterman headshot


Valerie Muensterman (MFA Playwriting ’23) is a playwright/screenwriter from southern Indiana. She was a Mary Willard Scholar in Playwriting at the Sewanee Writers Conference. Other awards include the University Scholarship at Duke, a Fulbright Summer Institute Grant, Reynolds Price Award in Scriptwriting, the Lipman & Cowen Scholarship in Playwrighting from the National Theater Institute, and the Marcus Bach Fellowship. A Beinecke Scholar and Iowa Arts Fellow, she is a third-year MFA candidate in the Iowa Playwrights Workshop.   

Meg Mechelke headshot


Meg Mechelke is a recent graduate of the University of Iowa with degrees in Creative Writing and Theatre Arts. Previous credits in the department include rockabye, I Saw You/New Person, Queer Horror Festival, Symphony, and New Play Festival 2022.  

Paul Kalina headshot

Fight Director | PAUL KALINA

Owen Brightman

Intimacy Director | OWEN BRIGHTMAN

Chloe Cobb

Scenic Designer & Props Artisan | CHLOE COBB

Chloe is proud to finish off their first year in the Theatre Arts MFA program at the University of Iowa with the scenic design for Fathers and Sons. Previous credits at Iowa include scenic design for Mother:Knife and Pierogi Play, as well as the scenic design for the Mainstage production of Ugly Lies the Bone

Abby Paul headshot

Costume Designer | ABIGAIL PAUL* 

Abby Paul is a second-year undergraduate student majoring in Cinema and Theatre Arts. Her focus is acting, and she was last seen in the Ten-Minute Play Festival as well as Barefoot Girl in rockabye. This is her first time costume designing a show! She is very thankful for Loyce Arthur, Abigail Mansfield Coleman, and the costume shop for their support throughout this process. 

Jeffrey Oakley headshot

Lighting Designer | JEFFREY OAKLEY

Jeffrey is an MFA Design candidate, studying to become a professional Lighting Designer. Previously they have worked with Utah Shakespeare Festival, TEXAS! the Outdoor Musical, and Arkansas Shakespeare Theatre helping implement the design and runs for multiple shows. Their previous design credits, while in undergrad, include Little Shop of Horrors, Sound of Music, Guilt/Less, From Up Here, Do You Feel Anger, and Speak Daggers. This year, they have designed Mother:Knife and Pierogi Play, as well as assisted in the lighting for Braided Sorrow and La Traviata

Tyler Salow headshot

Sound Designer | TYLER SALOW

I’ve been thinking a lot about what to put as my bio for what could be my last show at the University of Iowa. I’d have to mention that I’m the sound designer and that it’s my first (and possibly last) sound design ever. I should also probably mention that I have some other designs under my belt, but they were Lighting Designs. Some of my favorite were Bigfoot Takes a Walk (2020) and Queer Horror Festival (2021), though there’s many more I could list. Also! I’m the director for the “Undergraduate Playwrights Workshop Readings” for the New Play Festival on Thursday afternoon (if you’re reading this while at Fathers and Sons and didn’t come see it booo shame on you.)! I just want to say thanks to everyone who’s gotten me through this process safe and “sound” (get it??) and I wish everyone luck in whatever comes next… oh. And Meg? Thanks for letting me do one last design for you.

Dorothy Craven

Stage Manager | DOROTHY CRAVEN*

Dorothy Craven is a third-year Theatre Arts and Ancient Civilizations double major with focuses in Stage Management and Scenic Design. Previous Stage Management credits: foreclosure, Symphony, Three to Five Days, and I Saw You/New Person. Previous Assistant Stage Management credits: Iowa Directors Festival, Il Matrimonio Segreto, and Something Rotten!. She would like to thank the entire Fathers and Sons team for all their hard work and making this show such a joy to work on! 

Rob Ascher headshot


Rob Silverman Ascher is a dramaturg, writer, educator, and third-year Dramaturgy MFA candidate. He has worked on university productions such as The Bacchae, Basically Children, and A Plant. For this year's festival, he would like to thank both the Lil G and Fathers and Sons teams for sharing him, Maddie for helping out, and Lisa, Scott, and Dare for their support. Love to Margo, Mom, and Dad. 

Chloe Ancell headshot

Assistant Stage Manager | CHLOE ANCELL*

Chloe is excited to be the Assistant Stage Manager for Fathers and Sons! She attends the University of Iowa as a sophomore transfer student from DMACC, majoring in Stage Management. This is her second show at the University of Iowa. She hopes you enjoy the show!  

Maddie Rodriguez

Assistant Dramaturg | MADELINE RODRIGUEZ*

Maddie Rodriguez (she/her) is a freshman majoring in Theatre and Ethics & Public Policy. This is her first time dramaturging and wants to thank the creative team for the opportunity to work on this production! 


*Undergraduate student. UI Theatre is dedicated to providing hands-on theatre experience for both undergraduate and graduate students.