Brody Kivett headshot

Playwright | BRODY KIVETT*

Brody is a fourth-year theatre arts major, with a primary focus on acting, as well as playwriting, comedy studies, and costume design. Past productions at UIowa include Anti-Hero: Revenge of the Sw*fties, The Space Between Coke Bottles and Orange Slices, Lil' G: A Gatsby Remix, and Home is Where The T.V. Is. He wrote this play as a passion project, dedicated in loving memory of his late father, Mark Alan Kivett. "Thank you to the amazing cast, crew, and to you, the audience, for making this show happen! Thank you to my father, who taught me to follow my dreams, and never stop believing in myself. This is for you, Dad. I love you." Enjoy the show! 

Nat Payan Headshot

Director/ Sound Designer | NAT PAYÁN

Natanael “Nat” Octavio Payán (he/they) is a recent graduate with a B.A. in Theatre Arts from the University of Iowa.  Some of his previous theatre credits include Spells for Going Forth by Daylight (Stage Manager), All Machines of Loving Grace (a collectively-created production, Stage Manager), Home Is Where the TV Is (Makeup Designer), and The Space Between Coke Bottles and Orange Slices (Playwright/Director). Nat would like to thank his cast and crew for making this such a fun project to work on. Special thanks to his dearest friend, Brody Kivett, for entrusting him with such a beautiful piece of work, Mark would be astronomically proud. 

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Fight Choreographer | JOSHTURNER

Mathew Kier Headshot

Stage Manager | MATHEW KIER*

Meredith Onions headshot

Lighting Designer | MEREDITH ONIONS*

Meredith Onions is an undergraduate student here at the University. Last fall, she designed the lights for the Uiowa workshop production The Space Between Coke Bottles and Orange Slices. Last spring, she designed the lights for The Obituary, a gallery production, as well as Spells for Going Forth by Daylight, a production at the New Play Festival. She also ran the light board for the devised play All Machines of Loving Grace. Meredith hopes that you enjoy the show!! 

Owen Brightman headshot

Intimacy Director | OWEN BRIGHTMAN

Sammi Lewis headshot

Asst. Stage Manager | SAMMI LEWIS*

Sammi Lewis (she/her) is a second-year undergraduate stage manager. Her previous Uiowa theatre credits include Home is Where the TV is and Razor Creek. She wants to thank the cast and crew. Enjoy the show!  

*Undergraduate student. UI Theatre is dedicated to providing hands-on theatre experience for both undergraduate and graduate students.