meet the creative team |
Assistant Stage Manager | CASSANDRA HIGGS* Cassandra is a fourth-year English and Creative Writing Major with a Minor in Theatre. This is her second year assistant stage managing for Ten-Minute Play Festival. She has also assistant stage managed for Three to Five Days and stage managed for CO/OP. She is super proud of all of her actors, crew, and production team! |
Scenic Designer | DAMARIA FINLEY* Damaria Finley is a fourth-year Theatre Arts and Enterprise Leadership student, and she is so excited to be designing 8 magnificent shows for this year's Ten-Minute Play Festival. She originally came onto the scene as a Journalism major, but after taking Scene Design One with the wonderful Eric Stone, she quickly realized that designing was her true heart and joy. Her love for design only grew stronger after taking Entertainment Design with the amazing Bryon Winn. She now dedicates her life to all things design and will continue to pursue design after graduation this spring. So please allow her to reintroduce herself as Damaria THE Designer. |
Lighting Designer | COLIN KIERNAN* Colin Kiernan is a first-year Theatre Arts, Cinema, and Event Management student. He is excited to begin his second production at Iowa, the first of which was as Assistant Lighting Designer for rockabye. Colin comes from Waukee, Iowa inside the Des Moines Metro, where he worked on shows in various technical positions at the Des Moines Civic Center and Wells Fargo Arena (IATSE Local 67), Des Moines Playhouse, Des Moines Young Artists, and his high school. Some notable shows he worked on were Be More Chill, SHREK: The Musical, The Sound of Music, and many more. Now, he is taking Lighting Design II with Professor Bryon Winn and plans to keep pursuing backstage theatre life in college and beyond. |
Lighting Designer | SABRINA VLK* Sabrina is a third-year Mechanical Engineering student, but she absolutely loves being involved in theatre. You may have previously seen her on stage in Journey to the Lovely Empire, Foreclosure, and Reflected: The Apogee Effigy and in some student-made short films. While she loves acting, Sabrina is new to lighting design and is super excited to be working on the 2023 Ten-Minute Play Festival! |
*Undergraduate student. UI Theatre is dedicated to providing hands-on theatre experience for both undergraduate and graduate students.