Written by Tyler Salow
Directed by Zhenya Loughney

“All of this has happened before, and it will happen again” - J.M. Barrie.
Who’s at the door? A ten minute. 
Who’s at the door? A ten minute.
Who’s at the door? A ten minute. 

This play features violence and death.

meet the team
Tyler Salow

Playwright | TYLER SALOW*

Tyler Salow is a lot of things. He’s really bad at French. He’s a student in his last semester in the University of Iowa’s Undergraduate Program. He’s also a playwright which is also really cool. You may have seen some of his previous works here at the University of Iowa such as The Lazaretto this fall or How Many Marks and The Other Side, both featured in last year’s Ten-Minute Festival.  Oh! And one more thing? His favorite meal is butter noodles with a lot of parmesan cheese made by “his favorite epic roommate” (according to said roommate). Enjoy the show! 

Zhenya Loughney


Zhenya (like the country Kenya, with a zhuzh) Loughney (Lawf-knee) is an advocate for phonetics. They are an audiophile, playwright, and a mega-nerd. Zhenya is a third-year transfer student (as of last semester) double-majoring in Theatre and Journalism production. They were A1 engineer and mixer for The Bacchae last semester; you might have seen them headbanging a neon flower-crown to rave music in the corner of Thayer. Zhenya is also a southerner, so don’t be alarmed when they tell y'all to enjoy the show!  

Andrell Rodriguez


Andrell Rodriguez will be playing the role of One. He is a student majoring in Creative Writing and minoring in History and Psychology. He will be halfway done with undergrad when the semester ends. This is his first show, and he hopes all who watch will enjoy it. 

Department Logo

Character 2 | E'MMA CAMARA*

*Undergraduate student. UI Theatre is dedicated to providing hands-on theatre experience for both undergraduate and graduate students.

Meet the Creative Team