west illinois glass house by alex lead creative team |
Playwright/Costume Designer | ALEX LEAD |
Director | JOSHUA TURNER |
Dramaturg | BO-HUA LIN |
Scenic Designer | CJ JOHNSON Cj Johnson (they/them) is a first-year graduate student pursuing an MFA in Scenic and Costume Design at The University of Iowa. Most recently, they have designed sets and props for In This Sepulcher, We Are Fed (2023) and for Brother Brother (2023). They are excited to get to be a part of the new work development at UIowa! |
Lighting Designer | JEFFREY OAKLEY |
Sound Designer | ANNA FOX* |
Assistant Stage Manager | Hannah Siefken* Hannah Siefken is a first-year Theatre Arts student at the University of Iowa. They previously worked as the assistant stage manager for Reflections. Before starting college, Hannah was active in the theatre community in Des Moines, with acting, co-writing, technical, and assistant directing credits to their name. They are grateful for the opportunity to work on West Illinois Glass House, and they hope you enjoy the show! |
*Undergraduate student. UI Theatre is dedicated to providing hands-on theatre experience for both undergraduate and graduate students.